Pineal Gland Decalcification, Defluoridation, Awakening
2011-07-30 18:04:27, updated: 2013-01-01 10:35:53 by Sorgfelt
It is well known by people who actually do their research, that the addition of sodium fluoride in our water was really started as a deceptive way to get rid of toxic waste produced by the uranium, aluminum and phosphate fertilizer industries, that the supposed benefit to teeth is a mistake by and a lie to dentists (internal fluoride does not do the same as external applications) by those interests who gain from pushing it, and, especially, that fluoride is a nerve poison and increases calcification in the pineal gland. The health of the pineal gland is important to our advancement as a free, spiritually and psychically aware species. Here is what to do about it.
I have accumulated the following from several web sources.
Take it as is without any guarantees.
- Don't take in fluoride:
Sodium fluoride added to our water is much worse than any naturally occurring calcium fluoride.
Be noisy about it to your representatives, water authorities and dentists, and anyone else who will listen. Install a reverse osmosis filter on your house water supply. Carbon filters do not work. Use spring water, not filtered, bottled water.
- Don't take in lithium:
Lithium damages the pineal gland. Lithium is contained in many medicines used for mood disorders. Be aware of it.
- Remove fluoride and calcium deposits from your body:
Put small amount of iodine in your water. Iodine is a fluoride antagonist.
Boron also binds to fluorine, suggest 3 to 9 mg/day.
Boron is also good for curing arthritis and reducing radiation damage to DNA.
Take magnesium supplements. Magnesium is a calcium antagonist.
Eat plenty of spinach, kale and other dark leafy vegetables
for the vitamin K2, which makes sure calcium goes to the bones and not to soft tissue like the pineal gland. These vegetables have much more K2 than supplements do.
Occasionally take EDTA to chelate and remove fluoride and calcium deposits, not the CA-EDTA to which calcium has been bound, and apply externally with DMSO, because EDTA is not absorbed well through the digestive system.
EDDS might be better than EDTA due to being biodegradable, but may not be obtainable.
When you do all of this, take extra calcium, because calcium is used to flush fluoride from the body. Avoid dairy products, except cheddar cheese, which is high in vitamin K2.
According to one source, eating chlorella, wheatgrass and spirulina daily can remove mercury from the body, and eating cilantro daily can remove mercury from the brain.
Selenium is reportedly helpful.
- Other nutritional methods:
Watermelon and maybe pineapple decrystalize pineal gland.
Vinegar, mushroom, Dulse (probably for the iodine) are reported helpful.
Consume Natto, a Japanese fermented product.
Tamarind causes increased excretion of fluoride, and reduces excretion of magnesium and zinc.
- Mechanical methods:
Place a strong magnet with north pole towards brain on forehead 2 or 3 hours per day. Chant for sound stimulation of the pineal gland through the nasal bones.
- Metaphysical methods:
Meditate. Practice psychic games. Look at sacred geometry card symbols.