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Natural Cancer Cures

2012-02-19 19:56:53, updated: 2018-07-25 08:20:16 by Sorgfelt
This is a summary of the most notable natural cures for cancer, some of them outlawed by the FDA. I will update this list as I come upon more information. See for a video from which I got much of this.
  • AGS aka Aglycon Sapogenin aka algycon ginsenoside aka Dammarane Sapogenins, active ingredient of CARESENG sg2 and CARESENG bfg. AGS is a derivative of ginseng. It takes approximately 100 lbs of ginseng to create 1 gram of AGS. bfg goes thru the blood brain barrier and sg2 does not. They are made by Pegasus Pharmaceuticals and are very expensive, although not as expensive as chemotherapy drugs. AGS has been proven to be a very effective cancer fighter. Get it at Natural Health Consultants - Careseng SG.
  • Sea Buckthorn Seed oil. Get it at GNC. Supposed to be good against lung and many other cancers.
  • Carrot juice of 5 pounds of carrots per day for 3 months. This is about 5 to 6 cups or 40 to 48 ounces. Works on mice, not me.
  • Bitter Melon, available from Asia or health food stores. See
  • There are German hospitals that use an elevated body temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit to totally kill off cancer cells. No surgery, radiation or chemotherapy is used. Supposedly, President Reagan and some members of the AMA and FDA had this done and were cured, yet they wouldn't allow it in this country. This started after one doctor noticed that a woman's cancer disappeared after she had a fever from an unrelated disease.
  • Mistletoe - an ancient German cure. Used by Suzanne Somers to cure her breast cancer.
  • Baking soda - predicated on the realization by an Italian doctor that most tumors started with fungi, specifically candida albicans. This goes along with the oft repeated statements by the alternative community that an alkaline body is beneficial.
  • Blushwood Berries, an extract of the seed, kills 75% of cancer cells in minutes. See Unfortunately, this only grows in Far North Queensland in the middle of the Australian Rainforest.
  • Laetrile, Vitamin B17, outlawed by the FDA. You will either have to go to Mexico, or get some from almond, peach or apple seeds.
  • Turmeric, especially Curcumin, a component of Turmeric - effective against skin cancer and Alzheimers disease.
  • Cumin (not the same as Curcumin) - enhances enzymes produced by the liver that fight cancer.
  • Essiac - I didn't find this helpful, but many have.
  • AHCC - you can legally obtain this, used in Japanese hospitals.
  • Vitamin C
  • Coffee - refer to Gerson therapy enemas. I think this provided glutathione that kills cancer cells.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid - rebuilds damaged tissues, notably the liver.
  • DiChloroAcetate (DCA) - available from Canada for pets in the U.S. Research says 6.25mg/kg is supposedly safe and effective. However, my experience says that, even with taking adequate amounts of Vitamin B1 Thiamine, it damages nerves all over the body and is not safe.
Read the forum page at for more information about cancer cures.


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